Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Our beautiful province of Manitoba is known for short warm summers and long cold winters.

What is the climate like in Japan? Well, before we start we need to know a few things.

First, Japan is actually bigger than most people think. It is about 3000km from the from the northern island of Hokkaido (Ho-kai-do) to the island of Okinawa. (O-ki-na-wa). This means the temperature is quite different depending on where you are. In the spring time, people in the far south can suntan on sandy beaches while people on the island of Hokkaido are still skiing, skating and snowboarding.

Okinawa Japan Hokkaido Japan

Now that you know that, let's talk a little about the weather.

Japan's weather is usually warm and it can be also pretty wet. It rains a lot in June and July. All the rain can cause floods, but floods aren't too much of a problem for people who live in the country. Earthquakes can be a problem though. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? I have! In an earthquake, buildings can be destroyed or damaged. The power may go out, and it may be hard to get water to drink.
Check the link to see what to do if you are ever in an earthquake.

In late summer and early fall there are many typhoons in the southern part of Japan. Typhoons are tropical storms. ( strong winds and heavy rains.) Typhoons can also cause great damage.

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